Qatar participates in high-level meeting of heads of Arab educational councils



The State of Qatar participated in the high-level meeting of the heads of the Arab educational councils, held at the headquarters of the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) in Tunisia on January 18 and 19.

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Dr. Ibrahim bin Saleh Al Nuaimi, head of Qatar’s delegation, spoke during the meeting about the efforts exerted for the development of education in Qatar, presenting an executive summary of the 3rd National Strategy for the Education Sector.

He also touched on the country’s educational policies and their main objectives, which included consolidating the values and principles of the Islamic religion, respecting other religions and cultures among young people, consolidating the values and traditions of Qatari society, preserving Qatari heritage to enhance national identity, providing fair and just opportunities for all categories of learners to meet their needs and improving their performance according to their abilities and inclinations.

This meeting is the first for heads of Arab educational councils, organized by the ALECSO with the aim of enhancing cooperation and exchanging the best experiences and expertise among member states, by diagnosing reality, discussing opportunities and challenges, anticipating the future of education in Arab countries, and urging Arab countries to work on adopting structures for educational councils.

The meeting also aimed to contribute to the formulation of educational policies and the development of educational strategies among ALECSO member states. In this context, educational experts and researchers presented a number of scientific papers, in addition to the speeches of the participating countries on presenting the best national experiences in developing education.


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